QUestion Answer

Frequently Asked Questions

Attendees Need To Know

441 Crows Nest Road, Hukerenui, Whangarei District
Can easily find us on Google Maps
Crows Nest Road is off the main highway
We are about 4 Kilometers along Crows Nest Road on the left
There will be some signage/Directional markers pointing the way
When you turn in stick to the driveway on your left

Few different options available
– Camping only sites
– Car and camping sites
– 4 x 4 access only, car and camping sites
– One day parking only
– Please drive with caution and be considerable to others

Happy Pancake Land – Pancake Mamazing – Drinks. Check their website: Bring some food, snacks and treats with you as limited options available. Bring your own plates, cups, spoons and forks.

All children are to be supervised at all times. It is the responsibility of the parents and/or parental guide to supervise and look after the children.

There are 2 dams (diagram/photo) that supply water to cattle on the farm, please check where these are, if unsure ask one of the friendly volunteers and ensure you avoid these areas or watch children closely.

If they wander off into the bush alone they could easily get lost.

This is an all-weather event so bring clothes for all weather, dress for a festival and dress with attitude and for your own comfort. Prepare for the unknown and knowable.

– Raincoat
– Gum boots
– Sunscreen
– Hat

We have good coverage of mobile network, you might find the odd cold spot but generally the coverage works fine

Flush Porta Loo Toilets available
Cold Showers available
Hot showers available at the neighbors at $10 per shower *may be a limited number available
We have 2 brand new water tanks.
Please use water wisely and preserve water where you can as water is life lol and bring a water bottle with you. And extra drinking water in case it’s needed.

Please respect the land. No rubbish to be left at the farm.
Bring your own rubbish bags and take it home with you.

Respect each other at all times.
No smoking in the bush or forests.
Follow instructions from our team and respect them they are here to help you
No lighting fires
As this is a working rural farm there are naturally a few hazards, please be aware of where you are walking.

If you are in the bush/Forrest mind your step, Nature is always changing. Be aware of steep areas and trip hazards, fallen logs, natural holes etc

Fences means boundary line, they are there as markers of the land and are used to keep stock in or out.

Do not jump, crawl or ninja style to cross the fences. Please only use the gates and close them behind you.

Most are electric fences, always assume they are and take care. Talk to your children about electric fences.

Do not touch the fences and PLEASE PLEASE do not wee on the fences, the pain is not pleasant.

Festival MAP

Click here for map

General Questions
No cancellation is allowed upon registration. There will be no refund made for non-attendance. However, if you are unable to attend, you may pass your ticket to another party.

There is no re-entry into the main festival site each day.

You may be searched at the entrance to the festival. Any items which may reasonably be considered for use in an illegal or offensive manner, or which may cause danger or disruption to any person at the event, will be confiscated. Any illicit drugs (including legal highs), illegal substances or weapons found, will be confiscated. You may be ejected from the event and it may lead to an arrest. Persons suspected of carrying items that may be used in an offensive or dangerous manner, or carrying out illegal activities within the venues may be searched at any time.

Please allow plenty of time to get into the event, for event entry procedures, wristband/ticket checks, and searches.


Car parking spaces are limited and are strictly on a first come first serve basis.Terms & Conditions

Payment Plan

Yes, we have a payment plan option available. Please select the payment plan during the booking process to pay in installment’s.

If you pay via payment plan, you will pay the first installment’s at the time of booking and then pay the subsequent installment’s monthly. The schedule must be agreed by you at the time of booking.

Balance payments must be made as per the terms on your payment plan, or you risk the booking being cancel led and losing any monies already paid.

No, the payment plan is fixed, and the schedule must be agreed by you at the time of booking to proceed with it.

No, we cannot amend your booking once it has been placed. Please ensure you are happy with your purchase before agreeing to our payment plan terms.

We do not offer split payments. If you are paying in full at the time of booking or if a payment plan is set up, payments will be made using the main booker’s card details.

Payment plan customers do have the facility to update their card details by logging into

It is your responsibility to ensure that the payment card details remain valid and up to date. If you need to change your payment card details you must do this before payment of the next installment becomes due. If a Payment Plan has been set up, we will automatically take payment of the installment’s on each payment date within the Payment Plan. It is your responsibility to ensure payments do not fail.

Your balance must be paid 7 days before the festival start date as otherwise you will not receive your tickets.

Balance payments must be made as per the terms on your payment plan or paid in full at the time of booking (whichever is applicable). Failure to make your payments on time may put your booking at risk of being cancelled. No refunds will be given for partially payments.


Buy tickets here

You will need to enter the name of the main Booker at the time of booking.

The main Booker is the person who makes the booking and is the first person named on the booking. Only one person can be the main booker. The main Booker will book tickets on behalf of the whole group, and they are the only person we can talk to regarding the booking details.

Yes, there is a 12.5% booking fee on the ticket price.

Yes, the payment plan fee is specific to your chosen tickets and will be transparently presented in your statement breakdown before you complete your purchase.

Check with your bank in the first instance, as they will be able to advise of the reason why your transaction has declined.

Please follow the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the log-in page.

If you believe that any details on your booking confirmation (or any other document) are wrong, you must advise us immediately.

Please contact us here.

Changes cannot be made later and it may harm your rights if we are not notified of any inaccuracies within ten days of us sending the document to you.